Legal Education:
Zafar Iqbal Kalanauri has been teaching at Punjab University Law College, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan College of Law,Human Resource Development Centre (Government of Punjab), Federal Judicial Academy & PILDOT (Government of Pakistan) since 1997.
Developed a number of new courses including, Advocacy Training Skills, Civil Litigation, Mediation Training. Due to educational background as an electronics engineer regularly use Audio Visuals for teaching, training and presentations. Produced few Training Videos on legal issues for training purposes. An independent, non-profit affiliate of National Legal Education Network, working to improve Legal Education in Pakistan. Serve on committees at local, state and national levels dealing with legal education reform.
An indefatigable and effective mobilizer and organizer of Stakeholders Reformists and Change Makers in the Pakistani Legal system. Achievements are diverse and high-impact As Chairman Law Reforms, Legal Education & Examination Committees of Punjab Bar Council Prepared and got implemented the Written Bar Entrance Examination for the new entrants to the legal profession in Punjab. This was the first enforcement program of its kind, and has become a model for other Provinces. As a Member of the team of Pakistan College of Law prepared a Computerized Bar Entrance Examination, which has principally been approved by Punjab Bar Council and shall be implemented shortly. As a Member Legal Education Committee of Pakistan Bar Council (Session 2001-2006) involved in framing uniform Rules for Written Bar Examination in all the Provinces of Pakistan and implementation/adoption of Rules of Affiliation of Private Law Colleges as recommended by Pakistan Bar Council. As Member of the Committee of Pakistan Bar Council, Provincial Bar Councils and Universities of Pakistan imparting Legal Education, involved in preparing syllabus for introduction of ‘Law’ as Elective/Optional subject at B.A. level. As Member of Inter-University Course Curriculum Committee of Inter-University Faculty Board of the Government of Punjab developed and reviewed the curriculum in the subject of Law (2004). Introduced ADR as a subject in LLB and developed the course structure.
As Chairman Law Reforms Committee Lahore High Court Bar Association 2000,2001,2002,2003 & 2005 Due to remarkable skill in mobilizing diverse communities, organized a number of educational programs, training workshops and seminars, on different legal subjects at Lahore High Court. As a Coordinator ran a pilot project, “National Advocacy Training Skills Program” for the new entrants to the legal profession/young attorneys with 3 to 8 years standing. (A project sponsored by British Council in collaboration of Bar Associations of Pakistan & Bar of England & Wales).

A Few Pictures of Brilliant students:

Zafar is teaching Legal Aid Clinic to final year LL.B students.
Legal tour conducted by him of the final Year students of (LUMS) with Ms.Shahid Saeed AD/ASJ Lahore after watching e-trial proceedings conducted through a video link in a murder trial.

Educational tour of the Punjab University Law College was conducted by Zafar Kalanauri to Sessions Court & High Court (2020)

Pakistan Law College:
As a Member of the team of Pakistan College of Law prepared a Computerized Bar Entrance Examination, which has principally been approved by Punjab Bar Council and shall be implemented shortly. As a Member Legal Education Committee of Pakistan Bar Council (Session 2001-2006) involved in framing uniform Rules for Written Bar Examination in all the Provinces of Pakistan and implementation/adoption of Rules of Affiliation of Private Law Colleges as recommended by Pakistan Bar Council.

Zafar Kalanauri Also conducted Legal Mock trials . He was invited as a Chief Justice In PUNJAB UNIVERSITY LAW COLLEGE to conduct ‘INTRA COLLEGE MOOT COURT COMPETITION (2019). He developed a number of new courses including, Advocacy Training Skills, Civil Litigation, Mediation Training.Due to educational background as an electronics engineer regularly use Audio Visuals for teaching, training and presentations. Produced few Training Videos on legal issues for training purposes. An independent, non-profit affiliate of National Legal Education Network, working to improve Legal Education in Pakistan. Serve on committees at local, state and national levels dealing with legal education reform.

With the final winning New Zealand team at ICC Mediation Competition held in Paris in which I participated as Judge.
The runners up we’re was the German team.

Spending Good Time With Students: