Zafar Kalanauri has resolved a number of disputes through Mediation for which he got Mediation Skills Training & Accreditation from leading Mediators of U.S.A & U.K. He is an Accredited Mediator from U.S.A & CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) U.K. He is an Accredited Master Trainer Mediation CEDR (U.K) & IFC..He is the Executive Director of Pakistan Alternate Dispute Resolution the only private forum in Pakistan where the experts in different fields resolve disputes out side the court room using different ADR mechanisms.
Presently engaged as Alternative Dispute Resolution Expert, for Technical Assistance Project of Strengthening of Institutional Capacity for Judicial and Legal Reform in Pakistan by the Asian Development Bank.(ADB) Drafted Rules of Mediation & Conciliation For Court Annexed ADR under Section 89-A Civil Procedure Code. Member ADR/Mediation Legislative Committee of Federal Minister of Law Justice & Parliamentary Affairs on law reforms including new draft of Section 89 A and full fledged Law on Mediation. Member ADR/Mediation Working Group ADR/Mediation Pilot Project at Karachi for Institutionalizing Mediation in Pakistan of International Finance Corporation IFC (World Bank Group) & Chief Justice of Sindh High Court. Drafted Model Rules of Business(RoBs) for Musalihat Anjuman under Gender Justice Through Musalihat Anjuman Project (GJTMAP) of Government of Pakistan & UNDP for “Constitution and Mobilization of the Musalihat Anjumans in all Union Councils in the pilot districts”.
International Exposure:
Visited USA Four times on the invitation of Institute for the Study & Development of Legal Systems (I.S.D.LS), San Francisco to study the USA legal system. Especially with regard to the implementation of different ADR Mechanisms like Case Management, Court Settlement, Early Neutral Evaluation, Non-Binding Arbitration and Mediation for quick resolution of disputes, as an alternative to adversarial system. Continuously involved (as leader of the core group) with the ‘Civil Justice Reform Project’ being carried by the ISDLS & USIS, Pakistan since 1997, which successfully ran Pilot Projects for expeditious disposal of Family cases and Commercial Cases by use of Case Management & Mediation Techniques.
Represented Pakistan in a number of Seminars, Workshops and Conferences in USA, UK, France, China, Bangladesh and Singapore.
Over 70 articles published in leading law journals and newspapers on legal, political, human rights and social issues. Regularly take part in Seminars, Conferences, and Talk Shows on the aforesaid issues. Got powerful communication & oratory skills A Book on “Advocacy Training Skills” is under publication and busy in writing another book on “ADR Mechanisms”. Beyond his domestic impact, his international experience and visibility are extensive He has studied legal systems of seven countries of the World and wrote articles on the same. Editor “Comparative Law Journal” (A publication of Lahore High Court Bar Association). Drafted Punjab Consumer Protection Act, 2005, Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 2005, model Drugs Act and Human Rights Act, Drafted model ADR Rules for Court Annexed ADR.2005 Drafted Model Rules of Business 2005 for Musalihat Anjuman under the Local Government Ordinance.
With present Chief Justice of Lahore High Court Mr. Justice Muhammad Qasim Khan just before the Lock down due to coronavirus. Looking forward to work with him as a team member on projects for reforming Justice delivery system for expeditious disposal of cases. My special interest is in playing my role in revival of ADR project, implementation of Case Management System and amendments in CPC Orders & Rules in Punjab and introduction of E/ Filing and Virtual Courts System.
Institute of Legal Research & Advocacy in collaboration with Punjab University organized the first virtual conference on Topic : E-Filling of court cases & Virtual Courts.Honourable guest speakers were Ghulam Murtaza Ch, Senior Vice President Supreme Court Bar Association Zafar Kalanauri ASC Reformist, Prof . Dr . Aman Ullah & Pir Syed Shahbaz Bhukari Cheema Chairman Institute for legal research & Advocacy while a number of lawyers & media persons participated in a video conference through video link.
This conference is landmark step towards judicial reforms under prevailing situation.