White Collar Crime:
Zafar Kalanauri drafted Alternate Dispute Resolution Act,2016, White Collar Crime Investigator, Reformist of Legal System & Legal Education and a Professor of Law. Pioneer of ADR in Pakistan since last two decades and author of many laws, including ADR Act,2017 and Punjab ADR Act,2019. Honour of assisting Supreme Court and High Court as Amicus Curie in many important cases.
Over 70 articles published in leading law journals and newspapers on white collar crime, legal, political, human rights and social issues. Regularly take part in Seminars, Conferences, and Talk Shows on the aforesaid issues. Got powerful communication & oratory skills A Book on “Advocacy Training Skills” is under publication and busy in writing another book on “ADR Mechanisms”. Beyond his domestic impact, his international experience and visibility are extensive He has studied legal systems of seven countries of the World and wrote articles on the same.
Editor “Comparative Law Journal” (A publication of Lahore High Court Bar Association). Drafted Punjab Consumer Protection Act, 2005, Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 2005, model Drugs Act and Human Rights Act, Drafted model ADR Rules for Court Annexed ADR.2005 Drafted Model Rules of Business 2005 for Musalihat Anjuman under the Local Government Ordinance.